Monday, September 24, 2007
My friends Love me
This was one of the happiest weekends of my life. If I had any doubts about my choice of friends, it was completely bannishedd on saturday. I turned a year older on Tuesday 18th and it was an ordinary day like any other really. I got several birthday wishes from the most unlikely people. The usual suspects (family and close friends) mostly forgot that it was my birthday.anha! One of my friends had a baby that morning too and remembered to call me from her hospital bed to say her baby shares a birthday with yours truely. How cool is that?? totally made my day. I guess Im vying for Godmother now to baby Kayla.
I fuss over every single birthday of mine so in True A tradition I planned something. Not the usual house party BBQ coz was kinda tired of that and yes, I felt like some adult plot. So diner at the New Qhong Qing restaurant I decided. My friend Ba took care of the invites. Saturday morning, nobody had RSVPed so I figured well maybe 10 people. didnt think the restaurant was tha popular so I took my time making the reservations. showed up at 5pm and all tables were taken. Im so screwed!
Pleaded with the little Chinese man who kept saying...."No table, No table madam"
A: Listen, u have no idea, I have invited my firends to have diner with me. u have to find me a table. Its my birthday please do something.
After several minutes of pleading, they got me a table for 15 at he terrace. whew! Thank you Jesus! Now I could go home and change, was even brave enuf to show my "little" belly (didnt anticipate it wouldnt be so little after the diner).
I arrived early to deliver the cake, and 7pm diner time, it was just me and my gal Vic at the table. Fine, they will be here I told myself.
7:30pm still nobody
7:45 Rowe and boyfriend arrive, shortly after Joanna.
8pm 20 people at the table, chinese man annoyed coz I told him 15 people
8:05pm 23 people at table, chinese man now extremely miffed.
All my friends came except Mr. back to basiks. I was ecstatic even before I opened the presents.
And I got the most thoughtful presents I could ever think of.
Best of the bunch
1. Des, took a half nude picture of mine about 4 years ago. tastefully done by the way and I had forgotten all about it. Scribbled my fav maya Angelou peom over it, blew it up and framed it. I cried, it was so beautifully done. Thank you Des, I loved it.
2. The DVD player from everybody. Guys I know you did this for y'all considering all lazy Sunday movie days at my house. hehehe, My player had died about a month ago so this was an amazing gift.
3. My fav card........"having sex is not a crime but a misdemeanor, (inside) The more u miss out, the meaner you get" (Thanks Yuda, Peter, Emma)
Its was all so amazing, then the tequilla rounds later..........I woke up with a smile on my face still because my friends Love me.
Thank you all so much!

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