Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Wait
mood: see the world with clearer eyes
Listenning to: I love you I do (off the dream gals soundtrack that Yuda gave me)
I hate waiting, I hate waiting people, I hate waiting for food, I hate waiting for sex, I just hate waiting. And here I am waiting, the agony of waiting worse than the monotony of the use of the word in this single post.
And let nobody tell me patience pays, coz it dont. By the time I get what Im yearning for, the excitement has bailed on me. so damn right Im not blessed with that virtue. Yet here I sit tapping my fingers on the table, and it better be over soon.
I OD'ed on long Island Ice teas this weekend, blame it on the waitor who didnt take it kindly that I bitched about my first order. I though the tanginess of the lime was missing and he must have heard.".....blah, glass is too small, blah....bigger glass....blah manager of this place." So instead of adding the missing ingredient, he brough my next order in a glass bowl.
My mouth dropped open just looking at the gu thing, it swallowed up the straw and the decorative lemon slice looked like a tiny blade of grass. Anyway I took it in my stride not to disappoint the crew. It is no wonder I didnt make it to work the next day, the darn thing gave me a tummy upset. Tandra, you is Lucky you werent there.
Some people wanted to feature so celeb endorsements. I met a few people this weekend who deserve special mention.
Reason for being the Reason and bitching{{{just had to add that}}}}
Whothaman, Whodaman aka C. E . Whore for being the crazy bastard that he is. The first man I ever saw who blacked out on the dance floor still standing.
Then the Nurse and his infamous bank bed story.
The poor white boy who said what he did at the wrong time and in the wrong place.
My sister for showing up unexpectedly and without knowing it prolly saved my life
And Mr back2basics for quitting way to early.
Will put all your plaques in the mail. Was nothing short of interesting, this phase Im going through.
But right now let me go back to waiting.


posted by kissyfur @ 3:14 AM  
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