Thursday, November 20, 2008
Top 10 Rukiga swear words
So in my attempts to cope with the society I have moved into, Im learning the language. My tutor however came up with this list, couldnt stop laughing.

Top 10 Rukiga swear words

1.Kakyogenyoko -fuck your mum
2.Obyekifera -you are an oxen
3. Tumbafe -you are stupid
4.Kakanyoke -you die ( hehehehehe)
5. Ndakuswewra -Fuck you
6. Nagumagyere -you walk like a duck
7. Odyembwa -you are like a dog
8.Ori omushija kushwerera ndijo -you are gay (no offence GUG)
9.Ori kunyampa -you are a c***
10. Ori maraya -You are a prostitute

Feel free to expand the list, he might have missed out something.

posted by kissyfur @ 5:04 AM  
  • At November 20, 2008 at 5:37 AM, Blogger Tandra said…


  • At November 20, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Blogger Emi's said…

    lol..Great teacher, start with the badness and then move on.

  • At November 20, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Blogger Carlo said…

    Eh, and I thought I knew Rukiga but those words are new to me. Maybe misspelling or something but some I don't think mean what you translated them to mean. But ah well, me when I learn a language I start with greeting. Some start with swear words, to each his own. LOL.

  • At November 21, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Blogger kissyfur said…

    No idea Carlo,to his credit he started with the greeting too. But I guess people here swear alot and he wanted me to get when they insult me I guess

  • At November 21, 2008 at 2:02 AM, Blogger Salam Taki said…


    The message is that he is Mukiga!

    Aren't those words meant for him!

    He might have missed some insults! Somethings nasty and befitting his new status?

    Since am a kiga, I swear, your post is a lot more that merely learning Rukiga!

    Nngo ma rac? Lor wiye ki odho.

  • At November 21, 2008 at 2:28 AM, Blogger kissyfur said…

    Henry this must be the sylabus he has used to teach a lot of muzungus who prolly want to know.
    He meant no offence,odho pe konye!

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