List of My Favorite things this Month Favorite Movie has to go to "August Rush". There is something about Jonathan Rys Meyers that makes me howl like a coyote. And the way he walks, heaven help me coz Im about to screeaaam. Favorite Song, Wait ofr it.... Its legend.......... Keisha Cole "Sent from Heaven" or is it "Heaven sent" Ims having one of those Arrested development "Everyday people" People everyday moments" She is ghetto Fabulous I tell ya. But thats a beautiful song. Favorite snack, Nalubwamas Hot pancakes.
Nalubwama delivers these to our office every single day and they are divine, not like Neema but amazing. But there is payback because too many of them will have u constipated. Buddy of the Month award goes to...Rowe, we prolly hit every spot togethr this month. favorite Blog, Its a Close tie........cant pick one among all you guys You all Rock. Except Tandra and Tandra please dont post for us Shayne Ward. Hehehehe. I beez Kidding, See u at BHH. |
i haven't had firsties in a long time(cos Tandra is always lurking in the corner)so i will celebrate after....
Now, August Rush is it!!!i WEPT!!!It was just to niiice!!
and that Sent from Heaven song, my sis is high on it...and when someone asked some guy to say a song that describes me, he said it was that song.
me on the other hand, i think its a song you should listen to like once in two week cos there is a way it kutamas(for lack of an english word)
ok, see you at BHH