Sunday, November 23, 2008
All The Strange People
There is this film crew from Holland that I happened to run into at one of the tour camps. They had 12 contestants and were shooting a 9 part series on surviving in the jungle. So they were like mini celebs but only in Holland. Anyway Im happy to report that our jungles are indeed a force to reckon with as several contestants bailed out in the first leg of the race. Cant blame them, One was a model and had permanent make up put on so that she would always look good for the camera. For Privacy issues I will not put up any picture on this post. Most of the guys were really tall with long hair so it must be trendy again, thought it had died with old skool rock stars. Anyway the few who managed to finish the race loved the place and some are coming back over christmas for a leisure visit.

My Chogam crack

I never did breath a word in my blog about chogam, I guess I fall in that category that CB severely criticised. Anyway I heard this hillarious crack from my boss who was one of those in the line up to greet the queen. well him and many other British Nationals who are believed to be doing good work in Uganda. So this was apparently the conversation between Prince Phillip and the doctor next to my boss.

Prince Phillip: So what do you do?

Doc: I work in the prevention of HIV from mother to child

Prince Phillip: Oh, really.....Well the last time I was in Uganda, the population was 15million and now its soaring. Surely alittle HIV cant be that bad?

Doc: {{blushes after the tactless remark}}

Stephen Fry was here, dont say I didnt tell you......

posted by kissyfur @ 10:56 PM  
  • At November 25, 2008 at 1:20 AM, Blogger the antipop said…

    first off who is steven fry and secondly i have these socks,. third, please never ever swear in Lukiga KF. ok?

  • At November 25, 2008 at 1:24 AM, Blogger eddsla said…

    Did prince philo actually say that?
    am sorry who's er this fry guy?

    @antipop, get a life!

  • At November 25, 2008 at 1:47 AM, Blogger kissyfur said…

    First of all Im shocked you dont know who Stephen Fry is, google pls.
    @Eddslah, yeah apparrently he did. dont quote me though I heard it second hand.

  • At November 25, 2008 at 3:05 AM, Blogger lulu said…

    bythew way who is steven fry? as for the model and those guys.... they must have been looking!

  • At November 25, 2008 at 5:29 AM, Blogger Tandra said…

    eh lulu... all you saw were nice looking guys in the post, huh? LOL... just playing..

    eh kikazi, i was just listening to "unwell" and thought about you... good to know you alive and well.

  • At November 25, 2008 at 7:19 AM, Blogger Petite Femme said…

    Eddsla, u'll be amzed at that guy's gaffes.

    That guy rivals George Bush in that department. There are worse things he said.

    Antipop, Stephen Fry is some man who makes his money from travelling the world and making documentaries about it. This series is thebomb! They haven't shown that bit in Ug can't wait for it.

    I'm insultedthat they still call Uganda a jungle.

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