Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Foxtails and What Not
On Saturday we drove to Kiboga just before Hoima with My friend Rowena to visit a tree plantation.No, I do not work for NEMA and neither does she. This is a forest reserve of about 12 hectares run by the Global Woods project in South America.Mbu everyone is cashing in on carbon trading these days so being the brilliant investors that we are, we dont want to miss out.Ok dont bother because forestry is obviously a very patient business, definately No get rich scheme. So if u have 40 years to wait out, then by all means.
I conquered my fear of heights and climbed a really high water tower(I think I am now ready to go bunji jumping).
Apparently a tree that grows tall and lanky without buffing up is called a foxtail. Kinda like Rev would be considered a foxtail. haaarrnk! (Damn you Baz)
Anyway there is only so much one can write about trees.....

On my way back I get this sms from my house mate, saying
"free beers in Kabalagala, get here now".
Who can resist free beers so I carry my tired-forest-hiking-ass to Kabalagala purely out of curiosity. Ok you got me it was the free beers. Turns out there is a kafunda dominated by Acholis in the heart of this red light district. So I was totally in the Zone, speaking the language like I never left Amuru district. Then they had to play "Anjolina" and all those DJ languna jams and all my reservations about being seen in this joint just faded.

After a few beers, I dared to ask what we were celebrating. Turns out one of the chicks has a muzungu boyfriend who had just given her a major windfall. She was 30million shs richer and needed every excuse to celebrate.

Maybe I should consider a career change. Women in Kabalagala were definately minting the cash.I suspect highly that most of the gals I was partying with that day are prostitutes but that day, they were off duty and genuinely happy for their friend. And I really did enjoy their company as most of them really had some great stories to tell.
posted by kissyfur @ 5:51 AM  
  • At March 11, 2008 at 7:04 AM, Blogger Tandra said…

    kyoka some peoplez titles make us wanna read...

  • At March 11, 2008 at 7:09 AM, Blogger Carlo said…

    tandra is a thief of socks! Haarnk at foxtails for real.
    you were chilling with ladies of the night? i'm so jealous. always wanted to hear their stories. not written in some interview in a women's magazine. in a more informal setting like yours.
    and how do you get a rich mzungu to give you 30m? i want, i want! so help.

  • At March 11, 2008 at 7:34 AM, Blogger Cheri said…

    Kale I love that lost dog thing on yo previous post!!!

  • At March 11, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Blogger Mr. B2B said…

    I hear you Kissyfur about the Bunjee Jumping plot!

    and yeah, i can imagine them stories....
    i remember a time i went to a similar place witchu and the girls and ended up listening to two of "them" and i can concur with you, really interesting stories too

  • At March 12, 2008 at 5:37 AM, Blogger Duksey said…

    Anjolina...that song... just reminds me of luo grad parties,weddings,kasikis,birthdays,gatherings,havana etc you just name it.
    Hey did you get contacts or tips on how to hook such men?

  • At March 13, 2008 at 1:49 AM, Blogger kissyfur said…

    @Duksey, wish I had but its not for the faint hearted.

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