Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Im trying Here

The Contradiction that I am
So there is all this talk about feminism and basically a womans place in society.And I agree there has been heaps and bounds of opression on the fairer sex but honestly i think we are losing who we really are in this fight for equality. So it got me thinking that perhaps Im a sell out because Im not radical about feminist ideas.All those who went to high school with me could have staked their entire pocket money that I would never wear a dress in my life. Hell most of them though I was gay and trust me the voice didnt help much. I was such a tomboy it was painful to watch. I Loved sports and gangsta rap music (Shhhhh, I even had some wierd Gangsta name I went by). And I didnt even give two shits about feminism. That was who I am frankly and it was a phase but that was who I am.
Now I hate sport, even wear floral prints and pumps all the things I never did.I love cooking for my friends and general house keeping. Im not ambitious really, the things I want in life are very basic. And many people had me cut out in a power suit and possibly in politics. But I dont care to even vote and thats who I am. Its about staying true to oneself right???

Meanwhile in the city of BlogVille............
I havent blogged in eons and for those who were at BHH, I told you why. My life is so freaking interesting that I simply cant pick out an isolated incident to blog about.
A lot happened and this year Im taking risks, walking on the wild side so to speak. Im going to start dating again. I have been harnessing the patience for that.So wish me luck!

posted by kissyfur @ 7:43 AM  
  • At January 30, 2008 at 6:03 AM, Blogger Tumwijuke Mutambuka said…

    Kissyfur ...

    "... we are losing who we really are in this fight for equality ..."

    Girl, did blogger steal your mind? I am a proud feminist and I am as feminine as the next princess. And so are you.

    Feminism is really a simple ideology. Everytime you have been concerned that a girl is withdrawn from school so that her brother's can continue education, you have been a feminist.

    When you were last passed up for a job because you were pregnant and would be an 'inconvinience' to your company, you were a feminist. When you were last incensed that some banks still required women to be married or to have a recommendation from their parents in order to open accounts, you were a feminist.

    When you were concerned that Uganda spends more on defense than on maternal health and reducing the infant mortality rate, you were a feminist.

    Being a feminist doesn't mean cutting off your hair, listening to grunge rock, swearing like a sailor, burning your bra and thinking all men are dogs. It is a simple concern for women (regardless of your gender) and doing something to improve their lot.

    Don't run from it girl, you know you are a feminist.

  • At January 30, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i cant say that am not feminist coz trust you me almost evry woman IS feminist...but i never let it be my main focus point...i need to breathe sometimes...

  • At January 30, 2008 at 9:42 PM, Blogger Tandra said…

    eh as tumwi brung the heat..lol..

    yes babe, dont run from whoy're

    Neema..LOL..u need to breath sometimes? LOL

    err..mpozi wat was the post about??

  • At February 1, 2008 at 2:02 AM, Blogger m said…

    "All those who went to high school with me could have staked their entire pocket money that I would never wear a dress in my life. Hell most of them though I was gay and trust me the voice didnt help much. I was such a tomboy it was painful to watch."
    ...Wait, that was me too! :) Years later, my story is that I've grown to realise that feminism has many faces, and the kind that shaped my sensibility as a kid was the wrong kind. I should have been busy with African feminism them. Still, I remain a woman, the opression of women in Africa continues and we have to refuse it.

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